第5讲 环境的力量
dissemination 传播
To be a practical idealist: Premise 5: happiness is important, it also ought to be important.
Aristotle’s law of identity, A is A.
Negative emotion: -> narrow & constricts -> sad -> n&c Positive emo…
第9讲 积极情绪
Emerson once said: If the stars would shine once in a thousand years, we would all look up and praise the glory of this world. But because they shine every day, we take them for granted.
impervious 麻木不仁的
The largest, peak, boost, spi…
第20课 幸福与幽默
The vanguard of the positive psychology revolution: Our brain is basically a single processor, capable of consciouly choosing to devote resources either to the pain and suffering on one side, or viewing the world that lens of something l…
第14讲 过犹不及
Stress is not the problem. The problem is lack of revovery. level of stress -> chronic stress -> chronic anxiety -> depression
Recovery on different level:
micro level 15 min break, lunch timemezzo level, full night slee…
第3讲 幸福是随机现象吗
Happiness does not spontaneously rise when we take unhappiness away.
A gourmet meal. 美味佳肴
Getting rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive, which is why already in 1940s, Davidd Henry Thoreau (梭罗) wroted that, …
第8讲 感激
things don’t necessarily happen for the best, it is possible to make the best of things that happen. Things will be ok, things will turn out fine. It may take a while until I see the benefit of it.
phenomenal or catastrophe 平凡无奇 非凡无比 …